Australian Gynaecological Cancer Foundation

The Australian Gynaecological Cancer Foundation (AGCF) is the only Australian foundation focused on funding medical research into finding cures for the 8 gynaecological cancers.

In order to help the AGCF appeal to a wider audience, we did an audit and determined that the most effective way to stand out was to set a different tone. Cancer is serious, but that doesn’t mean that when we’re talking about it we need to be formal and sad. Just like a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, the women fighting these diseases need hope and humour to help them deal with their situations.

We gave the AGCF a frank, cheeky tone of voice to help them connect with their audience and amplified it through the visuals. We kept their logo and original colour palette, adding new colours for fun and brightness, and creating a suite of illustrations to pair with the 8 cancers they fund research into.

The result is hopeful, engaging and stands out in their crowded sector.

Brand refresh

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