Why is branding important for small businesses?

When you’re starting a small business, there’s an endless list of things to do and decisions to make. There are thousands of small choices most people won’t see, and a few big ones that everyone will – namely, how you choose to present that business to the world.

It can be tempting (especially when money is super tight at the beginning) to just knock up a logo in canva and run with that. But when you do that you’re missing the key things that make a brand successful – strategy, psychology and point of difference.

Add to that the fact that a brand is more than a logo – it’s the way your business speaks, it’s the imagery you use and the feeling your customers get when they engage with you.

There are endless benefits to investing in a strong brand for your small business. Here are our top 5 (in no particular order).

People are more likely to recognise your business

It takes 5 to 7 impressions for people to start recognising your business. And if your business looks like everyone else’s? That number will be much higher. The key to making a lasting impression is uniqueness and showing up.

Customers are more likely to trust in the value and quality of a well-branded business

The same principle that applies to personal presentation applies to your business. If you’ve put an effort into presenting yourself (whether that’s making sure your shirt is ironed or styling your hair), people are more likely to trust that you’re capable and professional. If you’ve invested in your brand, it shows that you back yourself and can be trusted to serve your customers – whether that’s looking after their health, providing a quality product or serving delicious food.

Branding helps people connect emotionally with your business

How your brand looks, speaks and shows up all contribute to a sense of belonging, shared values and common beliefs. A customer is much more likely to engage with your business if they trust and feel a connection with you.

Branding creates a cohesive experience

Humans love consistency, it makes us feel safe and taken care of. If your website, social media and shopfront all look and feel different, your customers will feel that chaos and disconnect. However, if all of your touchpoints are telling the same story, your customers are more likely to feel safe with and trust your brand. There are studies to back this up – it’s been shown that branding consistency can increase revenue by 20%.

A good brand conveys your business’s personality, helping to attract the customers you want

55% of first impressions are visual. A good brand celebrates the best things about your business, and will attract customers who value those things. Is your business fun, bold and brave? Let’s shout it out loud and find people who value that. Is your business calm and nurturing? Let’s share that with people who love softness.

There’s no denying that branding is an investment, but its advantages are also endless. Merit specialises in getting small businesses the attention they deserve so get in touch with the form below and let’s make your business the best it can be.

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